(UPDATE) My husband knocked someone out and it terrified me.
A few days ago I made a long, idiotic post because I was shaken up emotionally and wrongfully took those emotions out on my husband.
TL;DR he has trauma based around physical touch. A drunk at a party tried three times to approach and touch him and on the third attempt he punched the guy once, to the jaw and walked away. I had a hissy fit and screamed and cried at him because I didn't know how to process my own emotions. Guy got sent to the hospital. He was numb the next couple of days and didn't seem to feel any remorse. After being thoroughly reamed out by Reddit, I apologized to him and offered my support. He broke down and let out all his trauma to me and I just supported him. He got cleared by the cops and nobody is pressing charges.
/TL;DR. Rest is on my profile if you want to read my stupid post.
I can't even believe what has happened since then. Yesterday morning, The guy he hospitalized (who admitted fault to the cops) brought a bunch of people to our home. They threw garbage at our house, spray painted horrible words on our walls, threw rocks through our windows and tried to smash our door down with their shoulders.
We were home at the time, as well as his niece and nephew. They were visiting us. My husband sent us all into an upstairs bedroom and I took the kids in there. They were crying, screaming and sobbing. There were 3 of them at our door smashing it and screaming threats.
I was watching through the ring camera while comforting the kids. My husband opened the front door and was holding a hammer. I'm not sure what kind it was, but it was one of those metal ones with the round ball thing on it. He grabbed one of the guys and hit him in the stomach with it. They all ran away but one of them tripped and my husband started smashing his leg. Hubby stopped and came back in the house, got us from the bedroom and asked us to call the cops while he called his sister and got her to come pick up the kids.
The cops came and arrested my husband, he didn't get upset or answer any of their questions. They let me give him a big hug before he left and I gave him a kiss and told him I loved him.
My landlord is here now, he is a nice old man who heard what happened and hired a bunch of construction people (?) to come fix the damage. His sister and I have been on the phone nonstop since then.
Now I get it. I get why he was numb and didn't feel bad. I wanted him to bash the guys brains out for trying to scare us and traumatizing an 8 year old and a 6 year old. I'm just.. angry. Angry and numb. I have no idea what's going to happen. His sister brought the footage to the police station and his lawyer. I'm sitting in my house picking up pieces of broken glass from my carpet and everything is just quiet, and I'm alone. I've cried for hours. I don't want to lose my husband. I love him. It's not his fault and I feel so bad for ever thinking he did anything wrong. He was only thinking of us. It's gonna take me some time to get over all this violence but it's not scary to me anymore. I'm not scared of him, I'm grateful. I love him. I'm confused. I need therapy. He needs therapy. Those kids need therapy. His sister needs therapy. And those assholes can rot in jail, I don't care.
Edit: going to address everyone in the comments being a douche; I'm glad my suffering is an entertaining fake story to you. Be grateful you've never experienced anything this awful.