I'm literally doing nothing at my work and I'm bored out of my mind.
At the beginning of this month I got a new assignment at a local municipality. By the looks of this, it was going to be a super busy assignment. I am supposed to replace two people who are both on sick leave. On top of that another person left and I am temporary taking over her work as well. So I'm formally doing the work of 3 people but I'm literally doing NOTHING!!!
I'm sitting here at home with my work laptop open. I check with everyone who might have something for me, but the answer is always "we aren't ready yet" or "I'm waiting for someone else to do this". The only work I have had to do so far is far below my level. Like, work I would ask an intern to do. Not a senior with my hourly rate. I'm literally surfing Reddit and playing videogames right now at a cost of 90 euro's per hour and I'm BORED because that's what I did yesterday, the day before and last week.
On top of that; when management asks me to directly assist a different department, my coworkers are quick to point out that work that's not part of this department should not be asked of us. Afraid that next time they are asked to help out as well...
And when I threaten to talk to management my coworkers beg me not to do this since they are afraid this will be used against them. They just keep promising there will be work next week. But that's what they told me last week too.
I'm bored out of my mind and wasting tax money doing so. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to doing some actual work.