NKD - Takamura VG-10 Migaki Santoku 17 cm

Delighted with my first Japanese knife. Huge thanks to everyone in this sub for the advice and to u/ImFrenchSoWhatever for suggesting this one.

For the benefit of anyone in a similar quandary to me, I bought this knife after a lot of deliberation around how to upgrade from my Victorinox Fibrox on a budget. I was looking for something that would feel like a notable step up without dropping £200+. I got this for a little over £100 and the difference is pretty mind blowing. When using it for the first time yesterday it made short work of everything I threw at it. A wicked sharp blade out of the box and the slight smaller length has proved quite handy given this is never going to be used for butchering a chicken or slicing anything like a butternut squash etc. I’d highly recommend it. I was also suggested a number of other knives, notably ones made by Shiro Kamo (at a marginally higher price) and I think they’d also have been excellent choices. I’ll probably get one when the next pay day rolls around. I think I may officially have the bug.

Anyway, thanks all. Off to do more chopping and to buy more plasters!