How bad was this?

I was in a car crash a little over a year ago this month. It was my friends 2019ish 4runner, and this was the result of her getting distracted and slamming into a telephone pole. Airbags went off, it obviously was totaled, etc. My main question: is this really THAT bad of an accident, or was this typical when considering a crumple zone? Or was I literally just this close to death and I’m in denial lol

I was in a car crash a little over a year ago this month. It was my friends 2019ish 4runner, and this was the result of her getting distracted and slamming into a telephone pole. Airbags went off, it obviously was totaled, etc. My main question: is this really THAT bad of an accident, or was this typical when considering a crumple zone? Or was I literally just this close to death and I’m in denial lol