Looking for tips on Districts

Hey guys. I’m only about 15 hours into the game and still just taking my time learning game mechanics and currently fine tuning my knowledge on districts. I’ve been reading through posts and gaining lots of ideas but still have a couple unanswered questions.

  1. For unemployed beavers. Are there any challenges affecting their QOL rating, or would I be good to make a living district and just supply food and water to them? Obviously include well being stuff into the layout.

  2. Is it more effective to have multiple distribution posts in a district or to just have multiple districts of the same resource. (Doing each district as it’s own resource). And just exactly how the workers operate, in the distribution posts, when it comes to delivering the resources. I am aware of how drop off points work as I found a nice reddit post that explained it well.

Of course any other tips or tricks is always welcome!

Side note: This is my first city building game, and I have been really enjoying it. Very rarely does a game make me ignore my phone these days and this one just sucks me right in.

Edit: spelling