New alterhuman term?

Hi! I came up with a term and I was wondering if it was useful at all or if it has already been created or something?

The term is omni-cladotherian, kinda long lol, maybe there can be a shorter version if anyone comes up with one. It's more of a hyper-label for those looking for something specific. Anyways let me explain.

Omnitherian - someone who identifies as all animals.

Cladotherian - someone who identifies as a clade or group of animals instead of (or along with) having a specific theriotype. Ex; Identifying as feline.

Omni-cladotherian - someone who identifies as a clade or group of animals, but has "biases" towards certain ones.

Ex; Identifying as canine, but feeling like your identity matches more of smaller canines.

Ex2; Identifying as feline, but feeling your identity matches more domesticated or tame felines.

Ex3; Identifying as bird (I don't know the clade name), but feeling your identity matches more to birds who don't eat meat.

Does this make sense? It was just a random thought, but I hope it's helpful to some people, I would love to hear your thoughts! :)

Edit: I'm not combining the two pre-existing terms, I'm using the prefix omni similar to how it is in omnisexual. Sorry for not making that clear! I just want to let people know about the two terms that already exist that inspired this!!