A week with the Wall

Hello defenders.

I started my wall about a week ago. I even created a post about it https://www.reddit.com/r/TheTowerGame/comments/1j0ran5/i_started_my_wall_today/

I wanted to post about the effectiveness (or not) of such device. Lets start with my current stats

Health: Lvl 40 2T/120B with All Std perks and CTO. Not using regen TO yet.

Wall Health: Lvl 26 (On Queue for 27) 1.02T

Regen: Lvl 33 1.10T

Wall Regen: Lvl 9 (On Queue for 10) 1T(ish)

Wall Fort: Lvl 12 (On Queue for 13)

Wall Thorns: Lvl 8 (On Queue for 9)

Defense%: Lvl 19 93.3 with all perks

Std Perks: Lvl 16 (On Queue for 17) / Trade off perks Lvl 10

It is not that impressive but we have to consider I have been working mostly on Econ labs before I started my wall Journey. Full disclosure, I have a decently developed CL with 898x/4/17.5% + mod substats. Also a 3 SL at 41 angle and 20.6 bonus.

I was able to get up to 5k waves on T10 before my wall. (that's usually when I get DW as a perk UW), but it was pretty inconsistent. It was more of a range between 4600 and 4900. My coins income was going anywhere between 550 to 900 as well.

Today, I can consistently beat 5050 waves without DW and around 5300 with DW (should be 5400 now that I got fort 12). I am now using the 55/50 trade off perk and the 1.6 dmg/ 8x boss hp (I though this was counterproductive, but by the time I am tanking 50% of the hit with thorns, 8x hp doesn't really matter).

Overall is not that great, since I am at the same spot as my personal best.... but I do gain consistency and every upgrade pushes me a few waves higher. I haven't tried T11 in a while (3 weeks or so), so I am giving it a chance to see how far can I get, my PB was 3653 waves with 442B coins. I will update here how I fare after a week with the wall.

Edit: I just ended my T11 run. I was lucky enough to get DW as my UW perk. I was able to hit wave 4100. I finally found a use for the TO perk although in theory since I wasn't able to take it. With DW HP it make sense to have the regen TO, I was able to see my HP chipping away faster than my 1T regen was able to fill back in. You get reduced health but ur wall will last much longer regardless. With only 1T HP it doesn't make sense though.

My plan for the next week is to get my Wall health by lvl 30(ish), Upgrade by base health a notch (lvl 45ish), Work on my defense% a bit, maybe one or two levels, hit lvl 20 on my Std Perks, Lvl 11 on Thorns, Lvl 11 on Wall regen and hit Lvl 20 on wall fort (this might be a bit too ambitious). If I manage to beat Tier 11 and move past 5500 waves on T10. I would say the wall was worth it and slow down on it. I will just keep fort up until I hit lvl 40 and will get back my labs.