Looking for guidance
Hello everyone! I've been enjoying The Tower for not quite 6 months and love it. But I was wanting to ask for some solid feedback on the best path forward.
Currently farm (hp/wall+orb&death ray) T9 to 6200~6400 for anywhere from 450B to 750B and 36k-41k elite shards. (My income range went down / widened because I finally got a GComp but it is only Epic, had been between 600B-800B but less shards (28-32k)).
Tournament placing in champion is typically between 7-10, unless bad bracket.
I feel I am now in early-to-middle mid game and am looking for feedback to continue building HP-ish or start growing towards GC?
Attached are many screenshots for analysis/feedback. (For Labs - I've paused Lab Speed, Attack Speed, and Coins/Kill to level put a few other things I think are important.)
I appreciate any insightful feedback, thank you!