How I learned to love inner land mines
I chose ILM as my first UW because I thought it would pair nicely with my tier 1 Abs Def+Thorns build. And like most other folks who did the same I've regretted it ever since.
But after the success of this week, my opinion has completely changed! By complete mistake I discovered how good ILM is for crowd control. I was impatient and decided to reset my workshop, so that I could use all the coins I spent on Damage to research the second black hole - and I've spent no coins on Damage ever since, just left it at zero.
After struggling for so long with the transition from tier 1 to tier 2, this week I've cruised all the way up to Tier 6 wave 4500 and feel confident I'll max out the Tier 8 milestones by the weekend.
How? Well - I guess the fact is that Damage is a trap. You simply cannot match the exponential enemy health increases with projectile damage, even with spotlight and supertower and whatever else. BH damage is the only strategy that will definitely kill protectors - but with this tactic there is always the risk of death by shotgun.
Enter ILM. I've discovered that when matching the cooldown for ILM with BH, the mines will refresh in sync and be waiting for the shotgun to come. Combine their stun effect with the cards Slow, LMS (and the slow effect from CF if you've got it) and the shotgun can't reach your tower quickly enough before a shockwave shoves them back out of range and into your orbs.
Not seen this strategy mentioned too often here - most of the advice about beating tier 2 seems to revolve around increasing damage in WS in tandem with Health, but I couldn't get that to work so I'm sharing this to show there is another way.
Can't believe how effective it is, after struggling for so long! My wave records and overnight coin totals have gone ballistic.
Inner Land Mines - I salute you.
Btw fudds please add a cell bonus to ILM kthxbye