Crypto portfolio 2022-2025
Hey everyone, l've been investing in crypto since January 2022, right when everything began to drop. Today, I decided to analyze my progress on Excel. I'll take the figures with a grain of salt since I thought I had invested more than what it shows. My focus has mainly been on Bitcoin, but l've also been buying altcoins in small amounts at random times, so I haven't really been dollar-cost averaging. Looking back, I wish I had bought more during the depths of the bear market around December 2022, but I was down quite a bit at that time. Fortunately, I was lucky to HODL.
I did get wrecked on some altcoins. Also in reference to MISC on excel, these are altcoin investments that have went to nothing and I have no record of my purchases so it's an estimate loss. As this was roughly put together, my estimated profit is around £65,000.
I plan to sell if my portfolio reaches another 50-100% profit, hopefully sometime this year. I'm also considering dollar-cost averaging out. Any comments or criticisms would be great to hear, as my family doesn't know about my crypto investments, and only one or two friends are aware, but not to this extent. Also, just to mention, I have everything in cold storage. Thanks! Jack, D.