So your weapon substat rolls CAN lie to you - A math rabbit-hole I regret going down

Some of you might know me as Vash Cowaii on youtube, and while this is interesting enough to talk about, it's not expansive or game changing enough to make a video about, so have a reddit post instead of my findings.

While we're waiting for the update on Wednesday, I've been testing out various little things I've been curious about. Part of that long list of things involved Nazeistra's Devotion, but before I could even test out how things should be working for that weapon's unique ability, I noticed the weapon damage wasn't lining up with predicted values, even on a lvl1 order of truth who has 0 defense whether the debuff was active or not. This was odd to me, as I knew for certain that I had the weapon damage equation long since solved and I'm sure if you've watched my vids you know I generally pride myself on being able to line up the math down to the decimal when it comes to predicted values vs in game values when using my build calculator.

So if we've been able to line up all our damage values to the decimal up until now, then what the hell is going on here? I spent the last 2 days testing a lot of different things, and I narrowed it down to crit damage, specifically my crit damage substat roll. My naz in particular has a roll of 21.1% bonus crit damage, and it is on the crits specifically that my damage doesn't match with in game.
I tested to make sure the base crit multi of 2.25 wasn't wrong, and it's good, I tested to make sure I didn't have some mods coded wrong, and they weren't, but in the end I just resorted to testing with 0 mods equipped on the weapon just to prove it is the substat that is wrong here~

but this is where shit gets weird~

It's just naz, and it's only on a crit damage roll of 21.1%, at least that we can see so far. Instead, a naz' cdmg roll of 21.1% actually means a cdmg bonus of 21.09775%.
Why do I say this? Many reasons, but to start I wanted to see if crit damage for hand cannons was wrong overall, so I threw 300 blue tuners rolling various different rolls on Assassin's Edge, a purple hand-cannon most of you have forgotten about and for good reason but here it was a good test subject for cheap tuner usage, and tested out the resulting damage values on every crit damage roll I obtained no matter what other rolls it came with, and it always lined up. Every. Single. Time. Then I rolled a 21.1% on A.E. just to make sure it wasn't a flawed value for hand cannon's but only on that roll value, and A.E. still lined up. So that wasn't it.
I checked with no mods on Perf and Peace Maker as they had cdmg rolls as well though diff values, and they still lined up. At this point, I'm starting to believe that maybe the devs just messed up my naz' roll when they ran a script to fix all the broken substats people had when they refunded the ultimate weapons that people threw away, if any of you recall that, though that isn't what is happening here.

Then I bugged friends to see what rolls they had on their naz, and one friend had a naz roll with no crit damage and it served as a control - the math still lined up. I bugged several other people and they had crit damage on their naz, and while they had diff cdmg rolls that weren't 21.1% their math still lined up perfectly.

Finally, I went and bugged my friend TFDMaths(you'll most often see them on twitter or my discord, I recommend a follow, smart person that helps me with stuff a lot here and there), and we got talkin about what this could be. Thankfully, they have much more gold than I do and they went and rolled their naz to try and find a 21.1% roll just to see if my theory about the devs script ruining things was correct, and when they found their 21.1% roll sure enough things didn't line up, meaning the script theory went out the window otherwise a freshly rolled 21.1% would reflect the correct values when tested. A 21% or 21.2% roll lines up perfectly along with almost every other roll we could find, but 21.1? Nah man. That roll alone, when adjusted to a 21.09775% value, it makes the math line up no matter what mods you have equipped or what other sub rolls you have.

So what's the deal, Vash?
The current theory now is weapons each have their own list of key-value pairs when it comes to rolls, rather than weapon types being what hold the values(so instead of naz referencing hand-cannon lists as a whole, naz itself has its own list and so does each hand-cannon). So when a naz has a cdmg roll of 21.1%, it calls the 21.1 key and returns a value of 21.09775, so it's an error of input on the game's side when it comes to naz specifically, which if we're right means weapons got coded in a fairly weird-ass way but maybe there are some technical reasons for that and there's no point in guessing the logic behind it right now.

A potentially funny coincidence that maths pointed out, is naz was buffed to a 2.25x base crit damage weapon back in the first weapons pass or so. Meanwhile, and surely unrelated, 21.1 - 21.09775 = 0.00225. Is it possible someone at nexon did somethin funky when naz got buffed back then, and only on this specific crit damage roll? It is possible, yeah, though weird all the same even if true.

In the end, the takeaway here is that most of your weapon subs are going to be correct, but the reality is we can prove at least one is lying to you, and that means there are likely many more across all the different weapons, but that's bloody fuckin hard to show and prove without an ungodly amount of gold and a willingness to utterly destroy all your hard earned weapon subs purely for the sake of showing it, and not many are going to be able or willing to pull that off.
If anyone thinks they have a legitimate explanation for what happened here, would be interested to hear it, but I doubt we're gonna find one on this.

Food for thought:

What are the odds that I happened to have the only now presently known false substat on the only now presently known weapon to contain it, and happened to be a youtuber who happens to code out his own damage calc who happened to be testing out various things and happened to use naz and see the dmg wasn't lining up before the debuff. That's some serious "planets aligning" type shit.

Hope you turbo nerds enjoyed, I sure didn't lmao