The Reunion video left out the congratulations messages from these trainees
Katseye just posted a "Reunion" video on YouTube to celebrate one year since the survival show finale. The other trainees sent in their congratulations over video, but for some reason, only Lexie and Samara's videos were in the final cut. (Perhaps because they left DA on more controversial terms? This video does give damage-control vibes.) Here are the rest of the girls' clips. I believe Nayoung is the only one missing, sadly. Also included are Narjesse and Angelina, whom trained but were not featured in the documentary.
Official Reunion Video: Emily appeared in-person.
Part 1: Abby, Adela, Angelina, Brooklyn, Celeste
Part 2: Ezrela, Hinari, Iliya, Karlee, Lexie
Part 3: Marquise, Mei, Naisha, Narjesse, Samara, Ua
Bonus: Marquise foreshadowed a "Reunion Episode" a couple weeks ago.