My fourth time lol
This is probably my fourth post about how much I dislike the ending but this time instead of the ships and the aftermath I’m going to talk about Maou only. My ideal ending for Maou was him returning to his world and him and Emi uniting everyone or at least him returning as the Demon king. I felt that it was kind of a waste because he was done with them as early as volume 1 of the LN or episode 5 or whatever in the anime. When Emi asked him about his old kingdom (I forgot the exact convo) he just said he was done with them. I know they weren’t great to him especially shown in like volume 11 and 18 or something I think, but I wanted him to overcome all that. It was an entertaining series but one of my favourite things about stories is that they never take the easy way out. I know the story was supposed to be about Maou falling in love with the human world but i still stunk. I guess what I’m saying is Maous character development was horrible. He was a funny character but as an mc there’s a point where you have to change, he was just the same static character throughout the whole thing and that bugged me. I’m kinda past the MaouxEmi point (took me almost a whole year) and now I’m at the point where I just don’t like Maou, he was a kind guy but no character development I mean the story literally ended on him being a bum! Can’t pay for his wedding needing Emi to pay for his whole shop! It is saddening. At least my boys Ashiya and Lucifer had a good ending. Sorry for the long post