Is the Baselisk and Wyvern basically useless now?

I have a 1000 pts guard army, started with the combat patrol box and then added some stuff. I liked the idea of having an artillery and infantry army. In my list there are 2 baselisks and a wyvern a FOB and a mortar squad, I play with friends and we like to make decent list but are mostly narrative players. The last couple of games I felt like I could not do nearly enough damage since my indirect fire was nerved already (no lethal hits and always 4+ or higher to hit). But now they even removed the heavy keyword meaning if not order baselisk and wyvern no hit with direct line of sight on a 4+ and indirect 5+. Also the wyvern gun does no long ignore cover. I know the wyvern was quite bad and baselisk were decent, but now it feels like my army list is totally useless, to a point were I rather not play it since its not even an possible close game anymore between the two sides. Is there something i'm missing or am I just to accept that my army list idea is no longer viable?