I don't believe in suspension of disbelief. Fiction should be treated as fiction.
I don't understand with making everything grounded or requiring it to be realistic even if fiction is inspired by it. Part of the fun of fiction is that it's fiction. Unless it's somehow detrimental to that character that they're played by a specific actor but I don't think it would throw me off either way? It'll be weird sure but as long as the show is entertaining to me then all good.
Like if the grandfather is played by an Indian and his son is Armenian and the grandson is Chinese? I don't give a damn. The straight character is played by a gay guy or this gay guy is played by a straight character? Go ahead. Or like how in romance where it's all romanticized and people would go "well that's not realistic/No one would actually act like that"... which to me is like so what? I don't look for scenes of people brushing their gnarly teeth or acne marked skin in Bridgerton just because of the time line they chose.
I can sorta understand the situation if it's like a lawyer/crime /medical drama and they're doing very wrong procedures and you're someone who actually knows it but for me at the end of doesn't really matter. Unless it's a historical documentary meant for educational purposes or if the character in question is based on someone real but even that has some leeway for me.
There's this argument about "what if they hire a white guy for black panther" while I think people think it's a gotcha I do agree that's a stupid one because the character itself relies on a specific race/ethnicity even with the fantasy elements but again if they actually made it I'm just eh about it.
Edit: My post wasn't so clear and I'm tired of repeating 🤣 so again: my examples aren't exactly accepted...Call me not smart or don't know suspension or disbelief but I will stand by that these things especially in the modern audience have value with their own experience in suspending their disbelief. I'm not saying it's the only things that make it so just that it's also applicable. People's beliefs are tied down to their reality so it's not just about the internal consistency of the world building but also concepts of what people actually believe in reality will affect it too. We can just agree to disagree on that point.
Now onto the main thing. I don't believe in suspension of disbelief's current practice. I don't agree that it should be a thing as a whole. People of course already suspend their minds when going into fiction that's a given but it doesn't stop there which is what I have issue on. A fictional work should just be treated as a fictional world on its own and not treated as invalid because there's inconsistencies in what happens or its not something that follows what's already established by other people. Basically treat it like a multiverse where in each work of fiction is their own world.