First time viewer, my thoughts

I just finished watching the entire series, it took me about two months to do it. I've seen so many positive posts about the show on Reddit so I thought I'd give it a try. I don't watch a lot of TV/movies, but this show kept me captivated enough to see it all.

Pilot: I was excited to see this as soon as I saw an old acquaintance was on the show. I know Kelly Hu as I worked with her brother for years out in Hawaii. I worked as a civilian for the USACE and he was our budget officer. Sadly I soon realized that this was the only episode that she was in.

Season 1: I'll admit that this one was a struggle. Decent pace and story, but the campy visual effects were a turn off. The show seemed like central casting for attractive young actors and models. Everyone is fit and good looking after spending all this time in jail? Eventually though the conflict with the grounders made it a good show.

Seasons 2-3: Great seasons, very gritty and good stories. Some excellent characters added to the show including Lexa and the other grounder tribes. Absolutely loved it. I rarely binge watch shows, but I watched these seasons over a period of a week.

Seasons 4-5: Again great stories, extremely dark and gritty. The transition to the AI part of the story was very intriguing and intertwined well with the whole aspect of the show.

Seasons 6-7: I've seen so much rhetoric on this site about the downfall of the show the last two seasons. I actually didn't mind the space episodes as it was a new take on the100 world. I think they would definitely be a harder rewatch, but overall it wasn't bad.

The Good: There were quite a few amazing characters overall, but Trikru definitely wins for me. Lexa, Lincoln, and Indra were such great characters.

The Bad: I get that everything is a sh*tshow at the end of the world, but the overall negative vibe was tough at times. Oh no we might die from this, and if we don't we might die from that! You have to sprkinkle some good in with the bad. I think this is why the John/Emori relationship was a great touch to the overall story.

Favorite Scene: Opening scene season 3, the 100 gang cruising in the Rover. One of my favorite bands and songs playing off the iPod. Octavia following on her horse. I love this scene and have rewatched just that part on YouTube many time.