What gender am i?

I prefer people who are queer to answer just because I feel like they are more educated on the matter. I won't include gender dysphoria as much because you don't have to experience dysphoria if you are not cis


Cis-People who identify with the sex they were assigned at birth

Trans: People who don't identify with the sex they were assigned at birth

Other: Any other identity that isn't ftm or mtf. Please comment because there are many labels

I am biologically female and grew up in a stereotypical girly childhood. I mostly hung out around other girls growing up. I personally am fine with any pronouns that aren't she/her because it makes me feel weird. I do enjoy wearing fem clothing but don't do it much because of creeps. I used to have a lot of dysphoria but don't have that much anymore. I do like to partake in fem stuff like makeup but don't do it much. I do know that I will never be cis just because I hate being deadnamed and misgendered. I wouldn't say I am one or the other sex just because I do like both.

I am using this poll to help with finding my gender because I swear I have never not questioned it before.

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