In Defense Of Sterek
Ok. I'm first going to say that I am a Sterek shipper. I really like the dynamic between the two and I think they really did have good chemistry. This post is for mostly the people who find issue with Sterek because of the "Major age gap" that has appeared in the show.
I'm going on SEASON ONE CANON because that is what I consider to be cannon and the most reliable (this show has such fucked up timescales istg). In season one, when we first meet Derek, Stiles says "he is a few years older than us." Keep in mind, Stiles also has his driver's license during season one as well, which means he must be at least 16. By doing the math, that means Derek must be 18 or 19 (depending on what a "few" means to you). That is a 3 year age gap, If Stiles is a sophomore Derek would be a freshman in college, or if Stiles is a junior, Derek would be a sophomore in college which is not that bad of an age gap, I know people in real life who have that age gap. I think that main problem people have is that Tyler Hoechlin just doesn't look 19 or 18. However that doesn't mean he isn't.
Also, I would like to add another idea brought by another commenter on reddit. They said that Derek, because of the trauma he endured is "emotionally stunted." I would have to agree with this because of the way we see him act in the show. He doesn't act like a person his age should act and I think that attests to the trauma that he's been through. I am of the believe that Sterek should have been canon after BOTH Derek and Stiles got therapy. I don't think it would have been healthy before due to Derek's emotional immaturity and Stiles' own trauma however I do think they deeply care for each other and there is something there.
Again, due to the trauma that Derek and Stiles (especially after 3b) went through, I think the Sheriff would have been ok with it. He would understand the way they help each other and how they are overcoming the different things they have experienced in life.
Anyways thanks for listening to my rant. I'm tired of people acting like Sterek is a 7 year age gap when it's not.