the state of tft's ranked
i have been a huge fan of tft since the release of tft's beta i understand that most players are casual and so am i, but i can't help but feel as we are missing just a tad bit of competitivness in the game
the fact that you cannot derank from a whole rank as in deranking from gold 4 to silver 1 makes ranks in general lose it's value , as a player that likes to climb the ranks and feel good about it , the sense of achievment in tft's rank is rather underwhelming
the fact that afking in ranked has no penalties which i am sure can just be defended by "it's a solo game why do you care if someone is afk"
in most games you do negatively impact other players by being afk
in every set you have a comp that rewards you for losing just like what we have currently with chem-barons
even if you are not going for a losing comp most of the games there are at least 2-3 people fine saving up gold and lose streaking
why should i be punished because someone decided that they didn't like the game anymore and decided to sell the whole board and dissconect instead of ffing
open forting strat is different but full on afking and negativly impacting other players is kind of bad for the game imo
maybe if a system when you COULD derank from devision existed you would see less and less players afk because it usually happens around x rank 4 because people lose nothing out of being afk so why would they even bother playing
this is not an attack on the game i think the game is great and it does get competitive more and more towards the higher ranks i just wish the climb felt more thrilling and more worth it