Not liked for no reason???
31 Female teacher-currently in year 8 of teaching
I have recently moved to a new school district this year and overall I have really enjoyed working at my new school.
Monday we had our weekly PLC, with the assistant principal, master teacher and rest of the grade level.
We discussed test and how we wanted to change a math test to be more cohesive since the teachers do not all give the same math test in the grade level. A few teachers were loud with each other and there was drama, I asked two questions to gain a better understanding and the Assistant principal was snappy with me, I can’t remember exactly what was said bc it shocked me.
Fast forward to today, I’m speaking to 3 other teachers and Long story short- they basically tell me to stop asking questions in PLC and do not talk. I’m like what???
They stated that everytime I ask a question in a PLC the AP is snappy and rude with me. I guess I didn’t read the room because she is a blunt cold person in general but the teachers stated she’s worse with me.
Pls keep in mind, I barely speak within the hour meetings. I’m the one that sits back and listens and only speak when absolutely necessary.
They stated they know I’m asking questions because I want to learn, but the admin doesn’t like questions and the admin takes it as you’re questioning them.
I was honestly shocked and heart broken to hear this. I have genuinely enjoyed being at this new school and have stayed low and done my job.
** I do recall another time when she was quite rude to me but I really didn’t think too much about it but now after being told this information, everything makes sense.
She hired me so I don’t understand.
Last week I did reach out to her about shadowing teachers at our school to learn from them, & she replied wanting to send me to another school to shadow a grade level PLC???? Wtf
She does think our grade level is weak & like the red headed step child.
Honestly as I type this I’m more pissed than heartbroken. Admin should be there to help you not make you feel like shit.