DevUpdate #129: Present Game
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Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. Today, we’ll be looking into a rework for the old Prestige event. Let’s get into it!
The Prestige event has been our oldest event, and was the only event type when events were first added to the game. The event has been somewhat showing its age, where it doesn’t offer the additional rewards that newer events such as Alchemy Lab and Dungeon Eggsplorer can have. As such, we’ll be entirely reworking the Prestige event and replacing it with a reworked Winterfest event. This variant will be Winterfest themed on initial release, but we’ll be also adding in a non-Winterfest version for later iterations as well.
The Winterfest event will give event currency on prestige similarly to the old Prestige event. However, you will also get a currency on prestige to allow you to participate in the present game.
The present game will consistent of a series of boards. Each board will have a number of presents, and as you clear the board, the number of presents will increase. Using the currency you gain with each prestige, you can open a present on the board. If you can open sufficient presents and find the Gingerbread Masters inside, then you’ll clear the board and get event currency and lots of rewards. However, if you open a present and find a Winterfest Devil, then the board will reset and that devil will be removed for the next attempt.
When the Winterfest event begins, players will be sorted into groups to compete against each other for cosmetic rewards. Players will have a leaderboard of how many boards each player has completed within their group. The players who have completed the most boards will be able to win various cosmetic rewards, with tiered out prize brackets.
Thank you for reading! As a reminder, you can view our web store for some free diamonds, raid cards, and good deals on various bundles.
Happy Tapping!