Shi**est bank i had ever visited !!!
I am 21M and i am at my last year of Btech. I think thats enough to know about me.
One day my mom called me when i was at the college she said that the amount she kept in her SBI bank account was being detucted as my previous loan amount but the loan was automatically debited on her account a few days before, So once i returned from my college we went to the bank at 4.00 PM and the way those employees looked us like shit and they did not let us in as they said our bank closes at 4 pm so no one is allowed inside after us there was a Sangii mama went insided and had a coffee with the employess and he was chilling with them but he was also a customer like us.
But i didnt hesitate and went inside by opening the door and went straingt to the counter and asked to release our money and the employee of SBI said wait for 5 mins that time it was 4.45 and we waited patiently and we waited for so long now the time is 5.15 that particular employee was chilling with someone through her phone it make us anger we dint do anything and now the time is 5.35 we stood up and asked our money need to be released now we need that right now and the gitl said its already late our bank closes at 4 pm why you guys are troubling us i was at a peak anger at this stage that dont even know how to respect people or a human and while the lady employee was saying this another co worker had joined with her and made a good JALDRA (ஜல்ட்ரா) and my mom suddenly took a desition and went directly into the Manager room and explained her quries and he solved within 2 mins and we got our money back into our account and then my mom went to say thanks to the shit employee she doesent even react to my mom and we went out .......
This is my experience and this chat room is open for anyone who can post their thoughts!!!
Edit : one thing i missed our my mom went to sbi before my arrival as well at 2pm and submitted a letter and due to no response for anything she called the staff again at 3pm and 4 pm aswell they didit pick any of her call so we went straight to the bank and we our aim is not to give trouble to the employees we need our money back into our account immedietly thats it...