Do Tamil Nadu youths not care about the BBC documentary?
i do not find many youths talking about it outside Reddit. I sent the link to my friend's WhatsApp group and most of them did not even watch it. Look at Kerala, Banglore, and Hyderabad or even universities in Delhi. my cousin who is from Kerala said it is screened in colleges across kerala by youths. Why are we not active as them? i don't even mind them supporting sangis but our youth do not even care that much. Not even an opinion?
btw here is the link for the documentary .
and also my mom was present in Gujarat during those riots. she said it was Rss own people who killed the Hindus in the train and blamed it on the Muslims. recently I read Chetan bhagat's 3 mistakes of my life book where the riot takes place and that book also mentioned something similar which my mom said. it's up to u on what to belive but at least form an opinion .