Weight/fat gain before spurt
My question is, is it pretty typical to gain a lot of weight or fat before you shoot up in height?
in one/two months i’ve gained 5kg and a noticeable amount of fat but only like 1cm taller. Continue reading for more personal info but otherwise that’s my question ^
I’m currently 17, almost 18 years old and i’ve had a huge spike in appetite for the last two months. I know spurts at this age aren’t common, but my uncle had one at the same age. Regardless I’m considering getting a doctor’s appointment later because it’s pretty intense and i’m already past my first big spurt (when i was 12) which never had symptoms like these before
In the first month i was hungry almost all day everyday (pretty painful in my stomach too) and doubled portions of my meals + ate MUCH more frequently. Second month varies from day to day how hungry I feel.