Therapist on maternity leave - help?

I’ve been seeing the same therapist for going on 4 years. She’s helped me through some major monumental changes in my life and I’ve come to a place where I am feeling like a new person compared to the sobbing, depressed person I was when I first entered her office. She was the 3rd therapist I’d seen and the 1st that actually made an impact. She went on mat leave about 1 year ago, when I was only going to see her every other month... still, those bi-monthly sessions made a huge impact. I’ve since seen a colleague of hers twice, but having to “start fresh” with my history, medication summary (now only 60 mg of Cymbalta daily), trauma, etc. didn’t feel helpful. My original therapist then emailed me saying she was coming back to practice and I was elated, booked an appointment ASAP, only to receive notice a week later that she’d changed her mind and wasn’t able to see patients and feel like she was dedicating enough time to her family and new baby. I can sympathize with this, absolutely, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a sense of dread and regression in my GAD upon realizing I didn’t have her support and sessions back. I’ve emailed the clinic and asked if she knows if/when she’ll come back, and what they may suggest in the interim (my original therapist is the owner). I just don’t know where to go from here. I am so much better than I was back in 2016-7 but living with an anxiety disorder... I find myself reliant on these “pillars of strength” (such as my therapist) and am having a difficult time navigating next steps. Has anyone else encountered this? Or have any suggestions?