Experience with severe eczema/tsw and dupixent

So I posted here awhile back asking for help and reassurance for my eczema. I ended up going on dupixent and it worked incredibly well. Right before I started dupixent my skin was starting to recover and I was considering not going on it. I’m glad I did because my skin is the clearest it’s been my whole entire life for months on end. I was going to post an update earlier but mentally I wanted to move past this point in my life so I didn’t post. But I feel like maybe my experience will help others who are on the fence about going on dupixent or feel like there is no hope left so I’ve decided I’m just gonna post.

I’ve been on dupixent for several months and my eczema went from excruciating pain where I barely slept a wink for nights on end and was in pain 24/7. You can read my old posts and get an idea. I looked horrifying and couldn’t bring myself to look in the mirror. My neck made me look like a burn victim. I had eczema on torso, arms, joint, scalp on my groin area and walking would be painful. I wanted to kill myself at times because of how bad it was. My face was completely covered in peeling skin that would flake off then form scales again. It would feel like it was on fire and weep. Then cycle back to a flakey stage as typical of tsw. Which lead me to discovering tsw. This lasted about 2-3 months before I went on dupixent. Prior to this my eczema was still quite severe but no where as crippling. I went on oral steroids which somewhat helped then two weeks later I was hit with this flare up that lasted 2-3 months. During those months I went through rounds of oral steroids which seemed to lose efficacy over time. I would go on it hoping for the typical miracle disappearance of eczema as I’d experienced years prior but it did not happen. Eczema went from like 10/10 awful to 9.5/10. And I also experienced the rebound where it was clear for a few days then flare right back even worse. Almost right after the last round of oral steroids I went onto dupixent.

I think a large number of doctors do not believe in tsw or are oblivious to it (personally I’ve no clue but my instinct says it’s real considering I abused steroids on my face and it got worse over time, and the lack of effect of oral steroids which the doctor was surprised did not work). I used it on my neck and armpits and groin area too and these three were my most severely affected areas. And are also sensitive areas which I only later discovered should not have strong steroids applied to it. The dermatologists who prescribed me dupixent still give me scripts for steroids. I haven’t touched any of the scripts since dupixent and cream seem sufficient. Though I’ve been tempted at times because my eczema is creeping up a bit and creams hardly help. But it doesn’t hurt nor itch so I can live with it.

With dupixent I experienced 99% clear skin in the first few months then gradually it got a bit worse. So I’d say I’m 95% clear now which is still night and day so I’m so grateful. For everyone else suffering I truly hope you can recover someday. Severe eczema can be one of the most isolating and horrific health conditions. I’ve been very lucky and experience zero side effects from the medication and dupixent is affordable in australia. So that’s my experience. I don’t know if this’ll help anyone but I remember wanting to read more about people’s experiences with dupixent since I was quite worried and heard some horror stories of the side effects damaging eye sight. There is no chance I would’ve had the willpower to go through tsw for extended period of time and hope I’ll be cured someday. For anyone with the option to get dupixent i would seriously consider it. Tsw was unbearable in the short time I experienced it. l’m very lucky I’ll admit and I hope anyone else eligible for dupixent has good results too.