Dupixent / TSW & Moisturiser Withdrawal

Any one here on Dupixent and also doing Moisturiser withdrawal?

I was doing Moisturiser withdrawal for about 3 months and all seemed fine then I had a bad flare on my face and decided to throw in the towel and take Dupixent 2 weeks ago - derm told me to moisturise as normal to access how I respond to Dupixent - I tried that and skin seems redder when I moisturise on dupixent - tried no moisturiser for the first week on dupixent and skin didn’t feel right, normally it gets dry and then normalises somewhat half way thru the day, however on dupixent it doesn’t seem to normalise and just stays dry.

Any ideas what the proper process is to get the best out of Dupixent? I have no idea what my triggers are…spent 2 years trying to figure that..tried all diets and made no difference..