What’s your environment like? Do you think it contributes?

Hey everyone.

Hope you are well and keeping strong.

I wanted to ask what your environment/where you live/your home is like, is it A, B, C or D.

A) Generally messy, untidy, cluttered environment, generally disorganised.

B) Always clean, neat, tidy, organised environment,

C) Mainly clean and tidy enough but occasionally messy and untidy/need to declutter some more,

D) Often spotless, super clean and super tidy, neat all the time nothing out of place. Super organised.

Also how do you feel about your environment? Do you: Like Love Adore Hate The place that you live in.

Do you generally feel trapped, fed up of your environment, secure, free, peaceful , happy, full of joy etc. Esp when you are in your own bedroom.

Just wondered if environment has anything to do with this in anyway. Or is it somewhat irrelevant.

Thanks so much.