Possibly H2s Sibo and IMO
I do suspect that half or most of what's causing my "tmau type 2" might be H2s Sibo/hydrogen sulfide Sibo and or IMO. Hydrogen sulfide Sibo causes GI/ abdominal issues, brain fog, joint pain and a rotten egg smell. And IMO/ intestinal methanogenic overgrowth seems seems to cause the same physical problems along with a few more and is linked to slow transit constipation.
this is only a guess or what I'm going to get tested for when I go see a GI. I personally suspect H2s Sibo because I smell like eggs until I eat then it's worse but still sulfurous along with the fact that I have a lot of physical GI symptoms. I also suspect IMO because I've had consistent recorcurring infections that do seem to coincide with my GI problems and of course my smell. As well as the fact my that previous blood test have shown high levels of gram negative bacteria in my digestive tract and high tmao in my blood work and lots of markers of inflammation.
I've ruled out:
- Hepatitis B, C and A
- Thyroid issues
- Pancreatic Issues
- having been exposed to HIV/ AIDS
- Kidney issues