Theory. Kody misses being Kody!

I have a really strange feeling that Kody misses the old Kody. I feel like he kinda had to morph into somebody else to appease Robyn. That’s his own problem I know. Deep down inside his anger is not at everybody else I believe his anger is really at Robyn. I think he is so angry and frustrated at her because deep down inside he knows she made all the rules and had all these expectations of how he would treat the other wives. He use to dance (horribly at that.) He would joke (again not real funny) and most of all the kids definitely enjoyed him being around when he was. Robyn claimed to have been “voted off” the Brown Family Island; yet she voted his entire family off of their island. She even has Kody believing he was voted off his own island. When in reality she has completely shut him off to everything and everyone he knew and loved. Let’s be real, Robyn does not like happiness and Kody has changed so much. I feel like he’s projecting the anger he has for Robyn on his other wives.
When have we ever seen Robyn joke or be funny? When have we ever seen her laugh in a not forced way? When have we ever seen her generous towards one of the other wives? When have we ever seen her do something kind for Kody out of the goodness of her heart? I truly believe that Kody was manipulated from day one by her. If you look at the Home videos, he use to seem like such an adoring father. The family seemed to run just fine for being a polygamist family. I don’t know, this isn’t me being an apologist for him one single solitary bit because I cannot stand the man, but I feel like there is a lot that is not known. I have a feeling that Robyn doesn’t like the way he dances or the way he used to be somewhat fun and she’s kind of roped him in a little bit and I truly believe he misses letting loose and having actual fun.