Taking the current new share count methodology , here is another 30 stocks at random.

Edit - all numbers you might have seen need 1000X up boost because trillion has 12 zeroes. not 9.

source of methodology and all original credit goes to this complete UNIT of an OG.


lets do some more calculations for GME>

we have the "retail share number" -


and the following calculation


for all our calculations 58 trillion and 17% (retail share) is the same for all stocks, as an assumption.

of course the share prices, the last part of the calculations will also change.

Let's start with GME again.

that is (58T*0.17*0.006068)/22.48

which is (58,000,000,000,000*0.17*0.0068)/22.48 = I get 2.9B shares but ok. actual float is 446m. so with this methodology this overstates it by 6 fold.

Now lets get our favourite computer stock that starts with M and is quite soft.


we get a total shares at .... (share price is 428.02)

(58,000,000,000,000*0.17*0.0059)/428.02 = 135,000 - that's 135M shares. from what I can see current actual number is closer to 7,433,000,000 or 7B shares. interesting, lets keep going.

fruity computer stock.

1.0939% retail ownership. shares outstanding is 15.2B. current price is 227 American freedom units.

with this calculation we get.... 473,453 shares. again consistently much lower than the float.

ok lets try with a similar market cap as our current company.


their retail split is:


calculation is - -(58000000000000*0.17*0.000038)/34 (the current price) - we get a total shares of 11M. actual number of shares outstanding is 304.67M. ok intesting.

Ok lets look at some zombie stocks then.

Blueberry stock.

0.04% retail so that's 0.0004. price is 2.5$ and current shares are: 589,821,000.

with this methodology we get (58000000000000*0.17*0.0004)/2.5 we get 1.5BILLION..

I don't know if this disproves the methodology or validates it even more, since 2/3 times the methodology significantly lower the number of shares outstanding, except when you try a basket stock it goes up 6 fold for gme or 3 fold for blueberry stock.

huh intersting.

equally none of the times does it get close - unless I fucked up the numbers.