The largest trust me bro you’ll ever read on this sub ever

PleasrDAO / will be partnering with GameStop and most likely make it public in about 2 months time. I’m so sorry that I can’t reveal my sources, but a rollout is in the works between them currently, just trying to figure out how to comply with TX state law and such. I have seen proof with my own eyes of this partnership, and no I don’t work for either company lol don’t DM me being weird. Be patient. Downvote me for now but at least set a “!—remindme 10 weeks” for yourself in the comments so I can personally say I told you so. I’m so sure it’s happening I’ll even offer a ban bet from this sub, feel free to hold me to it mods. Love you all 💜 EDIT: thank you to the mod who messaged me. I provided my evidence and they’re letting this post stay up as a result. In Game we Stonk 🫡🚀 EDIT 2: told y’all 😊