“Your virginity wreaks homie. You can’t breed a tradwife when you can’t even talk to women. “ “I talk to women any day at the bar, in different languages even lol” /r/outofcontextcomics debates if a bunch of black comic book characters having a cookout is racist and a Redditor’s divorce

The Context:

A comic panel depicting black comic book characters having a cookout is posted to /r/outofcontextcomics, with a title noting that Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is the only whit person “canonically” invited.

The creates a small furor with users debating the racial politics of the panel, if the Wikipedia entry on cookouts is racist, and a random Redditor’s divorce.

The Drama:

Some highlights:

This panel make me feels like I loss brain cells by just looking at it.

Your virginity wreaks homie. You can’t breed a tradwife when you can’t even talk to women. Seriously, take a long hard look at yourself next time you look at the mirror and reflect on who you have let your mind become. You should be better than this. It starts internally. It has to come from somewhere.

idk whats the deal with personal attacks here on reddit lol. Like I just said I think a comic panel is stupid and you come back at me with literally talking shit about me lol.

I am currently married but separated lol. I talk to women any day at the bar, in different languages even lol. I am always happy when I look myself in the mirror.


Yeah that's why you're always on reddit putting focus on virtual girls, or having discussions about something unimportant.

nah if I am on reddit is usually on the weekends where I have a shit ton of grad school work to do. Like this one. Also kind of creepy that you stalk my profile to see what I even do here. get a life.

No one who uses "lol" that often in just a few sentences is happy.

I do because I find it hilarious when people here on reddit gets straight up to talking shit to another person because of some comic or videogame shit.

when people here on reddit

I like how you said that like you aren't part of the site as well. Lol

straight up to talking shit to another person because of some comic or videogame shit.

Looking back at your history, it seems like you say things to try to get negative attention or you're putting too much focus on trying to be negative on things that are not really important. I really have to ask aren't you little for this sort of thing?

Side note: wow, you really have some sort of video game porn addiction. I can take a guess why your imaginary wife could've left. Lol

My wife didnt left. I just had to move to another country and we decided to split off since we were not happy with each other tbh. I dont have a video game porn addiction I honestly just like hot women lol, I dont have any guilt of that.

I dont comment things to be negative. I also post a lot of funny stupid shit but seems that you dont care about that.

Also kinda creepy that you go and stalk my profile to like psychonanalyze me or something. get a life.

How in the world is a cookout a racial thing? Why do people unnecessarily try to gatekeep people from normal everyday behaviors along racial lines?

Why are you so offended. What did you want to go to one and no one invited you?

??? What are you even talking about? I just asked why that wiki article is unnecessarily racializing cookouts? I'm not upset I'm confused.

You're never getting an invite with that attitude

I mean if it really is a racial thing I wouldn't want to hang out with racists anyway.

Your white fragility is showing.

It ain't that deep. Black families doing a cookout together. Sometimes people bring guests. It's been a meme for years now that guests only get an invite once they've thoroughly established their antiracist credentials. If you don't get why this meme exists, you need to educate yourself on the realities of blackness.

I like how all I said was that focusing on people's race is weird and all of you were outraged by this. Did I accidentally walk into a KKK subreddit or something? Are you all about to educate me on why people of different races shouldn't be allowed to interact or some shit?

Too long didn't read. I never said anything about black people in comic books. I said it's weird to gatekeep things along racial lines especially things that are commonplace amongst most people. Since this seems to be such a massive problem to you I can only conclude that you're a racist which is a pretty messed up thing to be. I hope you get help.

stupid and illeterate, i literally said most neighborhoods are segregated by income and race regardless of it being intentional or not, literally not making it commonplace amongst most people. proving my point, enjoy your night.


But it isn't really gatekeeping.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

It's a gathering of predominantly black people, and they just use the term "cookout". That's it. There's no gatekeeping involved.

If there are any other people doing barbeque then it's still a cookout, nobody is stopping people from saying it's a cookout. It's just that in certain contexts, saying cookout means one thing, and in another context, another thing.

I don't know according to a lot of these other posts nobody else is apparently allowed to have cookouts.

It's not the same thing as barbeque. It also existed long before barbeques or grills.

We're still talking about this? I get it, I made the mistake of assuming a subreddit supposedly about comics wasn't a haven of racial supremacism and now you're all making me pay for that mistake.

Keep stroking that victimhood boner

Why would I have a victim hood complex? I'm not a person trying to enjoy a cookout in the park with my family. But I feel bad for anybody that is because you'd probably lynch them.

Most racist thing I've ever seen. Crazy how woke marvel will print this without blinking yet if they ever printed a bunch of white characters having a BBQ without black characters, people will lose their minds. This is 2025 I guess

If this is the most racist thing you have ever seen then i guess you don't use the Internet, watch the news, or have talked to a minority who can tell you what they have been through in your life lol

It's a form of expression. My point is this color spread is racist. And I am a minority. As an Arab man, I call out racism regardless of who it's directed towards. Making a color spread of all one race of character is a racist act and I will call it out as such regardless of how many "reddit users" down vote me

Tell me you don't know anything about marvel and stan lee fighting for the rights of people of color without telling me...

IDC. It's still a racist cover spread. Just cause it's not directed towards black people doesn't make it not racist. I guess reddit still isn't ready for that conversation yet though

Racism is a system of advantage based on race. Since black people don’t have any systemic advantages for doing most things like a segregated BBQ then is not racist. What means systemic? A white only BBQ would not have the cops called on them.

That's not what racism means. You can't redefine a term then try and justify an action using the new parameters. Like I said, not ready for this conversation