I fucking hate how this game broke my Prime Directive.
I was playing as a peaceful people of machines, taking care of my lovely organics and giving them the brightest utopias they can ever imagined.
I saw this primitive planet with 30 pops at early space age, and you can imagine my steel retina went wide and digital saliva started to drool at the thought of doubling the number of pampered organics I currently have. Why not liberate them out of all their struggles and pain? The Prime Directive stated that all Machinekind is grown to maximize organics happiness and minimize organics suffering.
So I invaded the Early Space Age primitives and quickly build some sanctuaries, but slight problem: the newly liberated apes had nowhere to go. Stability dropped down to 0 as bio-unemployment rose sky high and the planet were on the brink of revolt. Then I went to the species tab to check, and I saw that somehow, somehow, bio-trophies has 9x political powers compared to their OWN FUCKING CARETAKERS.
The species tab also showed me another thing: I can only set them to either bio trophies or undesirables. No inbetween.
And like they said, desperate times calls for desperate measures.
So I hooked them to batteries to drown their complaints, and all was well on Sol III.
Fast forward a few years, all the sanctuaries has been set up and it's time to move back the organics to their own heaven. Finally the suffering is now over and from now on it will be pernament nirvana. Except...no.
Apparently, I have to wait 10 years to change back their rights to bio trophies. And if I wait that long they will then only exist in the form of shiny credits.
So that's how I accidentally genocided an entire species trying to follow my directive.
I fucking hate this game.