Risk of Rain 2 Steam Deck Graphics Settings

Risk of Rain 2 (60 FPS):

  1. Video

Resolution -> 1280x800

Fullscreen -> On

V-Sync -> Always (60 FPS) or Off [If SteamOS framerate limit is used]

FPS Limit -> 60 or Unlimited [If SteamOS framerate limit is used]

Gamma Boost -> 0%

HUD Scale -> 100%

2) Graphics

Shadow Type -> Soft

Shadow Resolution -> Medium

Shadow Cascades -> 2

Shadow Distance -> High

UI Anti-Aliasing -> 2x

Texture Resolution -> Full

VFX Culling Bias -> Ultra

LOD Bias -> Ultra

LOD Reduction -> -1

Bloom -> On

SSAO -> On

Foliage Wind -> On

Sobel Lighting -> On

Corpse Clean-up -> Hidden

Max Corpses -> 10