Question: Choice of Character

I'm so curious, since the influx of outfit and pc posts: Do you 1) make your character look like you or 2) treat it like create-a-character from any other game? Pics encouraged <3

I have two accounts so one is me-based and less roleplayed, but this one here is one I got on sale to replay the story slowly and is a character I made up to actually fit in to the lore! So I understand both sides haha

I'm so curious, since the influx of outfit and pc posts: Do you 1) make your character look like you or 2) treat it like create-a-character from any other game? Pics encouraged <3

I have two accounts so one is me-based and less roleplayed, but this one here is one I got on sale to replay the story slowly and is a character I made up to actually fit in to the lore! So I understand both sides haha