Fan edit projects - What are people more interested in?

I have recently pretty much completed a fan edit project for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and am trying to decide what to work on next and see what people are interested in.

First some info on what I am about to release -

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: The Night Gwen Stacy Died

I always loved TASM2 but felt it was held back by some poor editing decisions by the studio. Mainly that they realized the parents story-line was not working and cluttered and distracted from the main plot but did not commit to fully removing it. And poor choices made that hammed up Electro and Rhino and greatly took away from the feel of the characters and the tone of the movie.

I saw some great fanedits that I felt really proved this belief (my favourite being "Spark of Life" by Bobson Dougnutt), but none that were perfect in fixing everything IMO. And more importantly they only existed in 720p or 1080p. But I wanted a definitive 4K version that could be my go to version on all future repeat viewings.

My version removes the parents story-line altogether, reduces cheesy elements of Electro and Rhino. Restores many deleted scenes in order to re-focus the plot on Peter, Gwen and Harry. I'll include a far more detailed breakdown of all changes when I'm ready to release proper (very soon).

I am very proud of this fanedit and have received wonderful and humbling feedback from everyone I have allowed early access to it. With several people that outright hatred the theatrical going as far to say it not only redeems it, but brings it up to the quality of the other movies in the series. I only hope other can enjoy it this much too.

Now what to work on next. I have recently acquired the fan released IMAX versions of SM 1-3 and TASM1.

While only in 1080p, the quality is fantastic and they will be my go to versions to watch going forward. But I am planning to work on the following and would love to hear what people care about most (and if they have any other ideas).

Spider-Man 1 - 4K IMAX Edition - A simple 4K upscale of the IMAX edition.

Spider-Man 2.1 - 4K IMAX Edition - An attempt to recreate the 2.1 edit from the IMAX version, and with a 4K upscale.

Spider-Man 2.1b - 4K IMAX Edition - Same as above but with my ow personal tweaks. Restoring the theatrical cut version of the elevator scene and some other minor edits for a personal definitive SM2.

Spider-Man 3 Editors Cut - 4K IMAX Edition - An attempt to recreate the Editor's Cut of Spider-Man 3 in IMAX format along with a 4K upscale.

The Amazing Spider-Man - 4K IMAX Edition - A simple 4K upscale of the IMAX edition.

Any feedback or ideas on the above edits would be appreciated. I imagine the recreations of 2.1 and the Editors Cut will be quite a lot of work. But I am open to hearing peoples thoughts.