I don't like the Sam raimi Spider-Man movies

I don't care if I get downvotes for this is my personal opinion first one I don't like Peter he's unlikable because he treat Mary Jane terribly and yeah she's right because he let his ego of Spider-Man get the better of him instead of supporting her she has all the reasons to be mad at Peter especially for kissing Gwen even though It was wrong do that. But anyway to the films his no killing rule which makes no sense if he wants to save lives then why didn't he save Doctor octopus maybe another way to destroy that machine without him dying and of course for venom he apparently let Eddie Brock die why didn't he stop him he just lets him die yeah what a hero. In my opinion these films are overrated also the story is copy and paste the same Mary Jane get captured by the bad guy three times in this trilogy It's repetitive and gets very old. The only good thing about these movies are the plot and it's like the comic books That is all I like. I prefer the amazing Spider-Man films because they're actually grounded and Peter Parker is actually likeable and have flaws but he grows through the movies. I actually enjoy amazing Spider-Man one and two over the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies because I grew up watching these amazing Spider-Man films when they first came. and even Gwen death was heartbreaking and is Andrews Garfield's best performance. So yeah in my opinion, these moves are just overrated in my opinion