Proud of young daughter flying alone today - standing up to seat savers

As has been pointed out many times here the reason seat savers are successful and the practice proliferates is because it works.

My young adult daughter is flying alone to meet us and the flight's a little delayed which is going to make her connection very tight. She wisely selected the first available seat (middle) at front of plane. The women in aisle and window are together and told her no there's more empty seats at the back. She stood her ground until a flight attendant got involved and forced them to allow her to sit.

So now apparently they're going out of the way to punish her by talking extra loudly across her but she says the jokes on them because she has a new pair of noise canceling over the ear headphones and she has an iPad full of Netflix.

I'm kind of wondering if the end of open seating is partially because our society is just degrading and they know it's not sustainable to give people the power to police themselves with social cues and Social norms. These things are just no longer respected.

Edit: Boy I fucked up this post. Never meant to imply unaccompanied minor. Tried to be funny about a Christmas present but that helped paint an image of a minor child. I've edited the post.

To me, and to the two bullies on the plane, she is a generation younger. She is young enough, femaie, and alone that she could have easily caved in like so many here do. I'm proud she didnt same as I would be proud of my wife if she did the same.