3 Amigos Advice

I have 3 jars of starter that me and my twin girls are taking care of from a dried starter. Today is day 8 and I’ve been feeding 1:1:1 using warm bottles filtered water and King Arthur’s AP flour. I feed in the morning and put it in the microwave with the door open so the light stays on. It’s cooler in my house (69-70) so I like having that for them to hang out all day. I’ve always had nice bubbles and had one jar rise a little on day 3. The smell has pretty much gone away and it’s just a little sour/sweet smelling now. This is what I woke up to today. Any advice on why there is such a drastic difference? I fed with KA bread flour today still 1:1:1. Are the other two jars dying or is this just the dormant phase?