Premise: I wanna try compiling willing users by letter because of the goofy ahh “trade with two users starting with X” quests.

What to do: Comment if u need letters and if ur letter isn’t on the list and ur willing to trade!

It’s also kinda hard to find people with clear prices that also fit my letter quests so when u drop ur user try to also add ur general prices.

I’ll try to edit when y’all comment ⬇️

*edit: Proven reliable by me :) - ✅name, ⭐️friend of OP

*edit: Some have asked me to add that they will do 1:1 trades if you mention you’re from Reddit in the notes. Others will still expect 100c+ for commons. (You can always ask them directly in your note/here on Reddit)

A - Alb3rt0., alexanndras, AMNESIAC, alisonxx, Adonia, AviAvi, ameliaah, ✅ASLAN, akudama.h, appuser, AudeB

B - ⭐️Blonk, boundaries, BDubz, bkyjsn, BlakeGzz, biIIieeiIish (i not L)

C - CraT1K, calgabriel, Callie.mp3, cdbug, cinnamoncocoa, CrowMan, cookies59, charliewlr

D - drizzyybtw, DaveCypher, doeter, damiyun, DonovanI (i not L), DetailedCat9620, dmgrhvy, dearsociety, DIDRIK, Devourer_Of_Books

E - em.ory (op), eupho, Ebobla, evelynmarie, Elynxni, emma‼️, esokarma

F -✅felicatedz, Fathxr, Feef, Frombo, Funks, ✅FoulFong, fruitbat

G - GNDRK, GuriaExplode🧨, Garyfan, gracieswifey, gypee, GamesQueenDT, gndrs, GhostMountain

H - HardstonePsycho, HFURNO, HoldensRHM, heroglyph, Hanelts, hethet

I - isaakalv, Infolve, ilovebiglatinas, itskitty, Impster, ImSixty

J - jennilyn, jayoh, JacobJumbalaya, Julest, julesgf2223, Justpumpkin10, JUDEA

K - KKHmcfitz, kimbi, kengoonson, KyRe, kkoe, Kjhcfad

L - linxs, lovepierre, Libaraz, LAKYAS, leonii, LEC4EVER, Loowisa, lesway, Lilith6, Louisargh

M - MPREGMAFIA, MOMENTS, Maddd, Misfitito, M4rcuzz, mallhone

N - ⭐️nanmiinda, N7R0, Nineteen.98, N1ghtGlow12, noahhhh14, nostylistt, nnataaliee

O - ox.aj33, OtkoSmotko, Opalulu, oynes

P - problemlemon, Phantomwave, ✅Preside, ✅pneox, pyrolyzing

Q - QueenofRamen, Quýt, qmoth, qinfected, Queertastic, QuibbleSquid

R - RRetta, Rocketwonwoo, RachieRoo, RollThatJ, rob0noodles, Revrse, rushesTo!!!, rare

S - SexyHam, sandeoki, seaofseals, SlimDeebs, Sandpit_turtle, Styxx., sanzhin, Sky096, s7, s1xo, SCAMMMMMER, skygaki, Shamalam

T - Tirry, tipsx, TRAPRAT, tiedyedragon, tibblenug5, TheAvenged, tomalelover12, tylerrzxzzz, Taylor_Nation, TOMMYYQUINN27, tabbsss

U - UMDZITJGL, uppie, Ux_laura_jane28_x, Uhlohn, ubhl!!

V - vallerinha, verysleepy, victoriaa108, viwife, Vintendo64, vonn.h

W - wenisdrinker, Weedz, w3ltr4um, Wongoose, Whencanonsfade, wooah, WMimmi

X - Xobigbird, xAJx, xDisco, xoanalife, xenomorph, XXXYERKACION

Y - YSKSPLOOGEGANG, ✅Yesits9inches, yehcdys, ykMonty

Z - zRealUrBano, ZESTIMATE, Zsharp, Zman174