Extremely Numb, Depressed, Hopeless In My Day To Day.
M27 almost 28 in May. I don't have no hope anymore. Everyday just consists of getting through the day. I thought I would have achieved much more then I have now in this current period. Not married, no kids, no proper career. Failed to find any traction in education despite trying so many times.
I feel like all the barakah in my life has slipped away and that I have just been left in the darkness to fend for myself. I also have developed addictive behaviours to cope with my depressing reality for the last 4 years. I don't know where my future is heading but I am extremely worried my situation won't improve. I still live with my parents at almost age 28 and it kills me to say it. I thought I'd have a place at least if not married and live an independent life. Even travelling doesn't cut it anymore as I still feel low and depressed even just thinking about it.
Please if anybody has some pointers please feel free to share. Jzkalah for reading.