Letting the ‘unlucky’ friend bang my gf, then using it against her

This happened a long while ago when I was in the military. I haven’t told many about it, so I figured this would be a great place to share. I’ll try to keep it short.

I was 22 at the time. My 20 gf (let’s call her Kim) lived out of town and came to visit me while I was in the military. She was tall, 5’ 10, long legs, thick thighs and ass, white girl blonde hair.

I was a fireman, and after being out drinking , we got the great idea to sneak into my fire station and fuck on top of a fire truck. As we slipped in, the alarm room guy (911/dispatch) saw us. We acted casual and I introduced them. We will call him Sam. Sam was a cool guy, but just a little on the dork side. Just not quite slick or quick enough to keep up with the rest of us. He NEVER had luck when we picked up girls.

So after a quick hello, Sam asks wtf are we at the station at 0200 hours. I firmly said I’m gonna fuck this slut on the engine (fire truck). Sam blushed, Kim blushed, and we all giggled and I led Kim to the truck bay. Within a minute, I had Kim in the hose bed, face down ass up, on her knees. We always wore condoms, and only had 1. As she dug through her purse, while on her knees, looking for the condom, I pulled her skirt up (no panties) and slid myself into her. I was slamming my cock into her hard by the time she found the condom and she failed miserably at trying to get me to wear it. I peep over and see Sam, peering around the bay door, watching me fuck my slutty gf. I knew Sam liked em thick like me so he had to be enjoying the scene. I get the great idea…..I immediately stop. Pull out and I tell Kim to not move and SUSH (acting like someone was there). I could tell she panicked some. I told her to stay there and I climbed down. I walked over to Sam, tossed him the condom said your turn. He was in disbelief and was hesitant. I said to hurry up before the 911 line rang lmao (the room was right beside the door. So it wasn’t abandoned or anything).

After a quick reassuring I had him covered, he climbed up into the hose bed behind Kim. She immediately noticed it wasn’t me. I heard her ask where I was, and Sam that devil said he saw me run into the bathroom and I’d be a moment. That hoe asked Sam if he’d even last a minute lol! Sam vigorously ripped that condom open! He in fact only lasted a minute hahaha.

They both climbed down, and I timed it so it looked as if I was just coming from the bay hallway, where dispatch and the restroom is. Sam made up some line like ‘I went and got Kim like you asked’ and she replied how Sam found her by the fire truck.

We said or byes and once in my truck, I let Kim know I saw her cheating on me with Sam (again, she didn’t know I put him up to it. She technically fucked him behind my back). She denied it and I described what I saw. She gasped and before she could even respond, my cock was out and my hand on her head. She knew how to earn my forgiveness lol.

For a long time I used her ‘cheating’ against her to get so much fun from her.