Out Of Body Experience

I just woke up from an episode and ill tell you guys what happened.

I was asleep for like 45 minutes and I heard whispering, I opened my eyes then I heard a ringing sound, right away I knew what it was.

Then it littleraly felt like I was levitating, I felt like I was upside down in the air. Then I went back to normal in my bed, and the ringing sound I kept hearing.

I then wasnt able to move at all, so I closed my eyes, then I felt a burning/ suffocating feeling on my chest. I closed my eyes and then woke up.

What's crazy is your fully aware and are able to think, but your body is asleep. I was hearing sounds and whispers before this happened, which indicated I was in a deep sleep ( REM)

This is crazy guys, I cant sleep now. 😭