Some observations on the silo design in book and show...

The silo from the show looks like a more practical/realistic version of what is described in the books. I was really surprised to see the 'spokes' on every level, so I looked it up:

From Third Shift - Pact:

When Solo heard the cat:

His voice echoed softly back to him. He played the light down the hall, which branched off in three directions. Two of the paths curved around as if to meet on the other side of the stairwell. It was one of the hub-and-spoke levels. Solo laughed. Bi for Bicycles. He thought of that entry and realized where the words hub and spoke came from. These were magical discoveries, how old words came to be—

But the Silo has valves that are operated with a spoked wheel, so "spoke" does not necessarily point to bike?

Further more I envisioned the stairs on the inner walls of the living (or farming etc.) spaces, like this (only with bigger living space, smaller stairwell around a bigger empty space in the middle):

             ,agd""'              `""bg,
          ,gdP"    Living spaces       "Ybg,
        ,dP"                             "Yb,
      ,dP"         _,,ddP"""Ybb,,_         "Yb,
     ,8"         ,dP"'         `"Yb,         "8,
    ,8'        ,d"   Stairwell     "b,        `8,
   ,8'        d"                     "b        `8,
   d'        d'        ,gPPRg,        `b        `b
   8         8        dP'   `Yb        8         8
   8         8        8)     (8        8         8
   8         8        Yb     dP        8         8
   8         Y,        "8ggg8"        ,P         8
   Y,         Ya                     aP         ,P
   `8,         "Ya                 aP"         ,8'
    `8,          "Yb,_         _,dP"          ,8'
     `8a           `""YbbgggddP""'           a8'
      `Yba                                 adP'
        "Yba                             adY"
          `"Yba,                     ,adP"'
             `"Y8ba,             ,ad8P"'

And the stairs aren't metal anymore. I read that this has been discussed already, but didn't see the treads. The books make it really clear they are metal and show the wear and tear of a long time being used. Making them concrete don't make much of an impact on the story, but because of the clear description it feels like a major change.