New William Tweet Explained

So as you know, William tweeted out a new phrase. Which is of course an ARG related to silksong. “the infinite buses trick”

According to the Oxford Dictionary, buses/bused can mean removing dirty dishes from a table. So clearly it’s a metaphor.

Dirty dishes is something unwanted you take away from your table. Imagine the table is the game, and the dishes are the bugs, unwanted features, etc. William Pellen does a lot of coding for team cherry. This could mean that he feels he is stuck in an infinite loop of taking out the dirty dishes, aka, bugs from silksong as the game is just huge so it’s a lot of work.

Which means they are nearing the end of development. However the trick is infinite as he says. If you take that very literally, it means the game is never coming out! So regardless if you’re a believer or a doubter, the tweet is in your favor. Subscribe to mossbag for more epic lore theories