Dual Hammer Industries Romeo-M17 Cut & Mount: After Action Report

I’d been interested in the Romeo-M17 ever since I saw it leaked a year or two ago. I snagged one late last year for a killer price so I had my slide sent off to Dual Hammer along with the optic when it came in. I had a bit of trouble finding the rear sight plate #8 in stock so I got one off GAFS. I can’t remember the turnaround but I’m pretty sure it was less than two weeks from when they received it

I’d been interested in the Romeo-M17 ever since I saw it leaked a year or two ago. I snagged one late last year for a killer price so I had my slide sent off to Dual Hammer along with the optic when it came in. I had a bit of trouble finding the rear sight plate #8 in stock so I got one off GAFS. I can’t remember the turnaround but I’m pretty sure it was less than two weeks from when they received it