Should I buy Hitman Series?

I LOVE the games where you sneak into somewhere that you don't belong (but don't hide either, like, you disguise and hang around the place)

For example:

The mission in MOHAA where you disguise as a Nazi soldier:

Similarly, the mission in COD: WW2 where you disguise as a Nazi soldier again:

Again, the mission in COD: Cold War where you disguise as a Soviet soldier:

The mission in Dishonored where you have a mask in Lady Boyle's Party so that you can freely roam in the area:

The mission in Dishonored DLC where you get an Overseer uniform and save a jailed person: (I couldn't see the picking up Overseer uniform part in this video, but it exists in the game.)

I got the recommendation of Hitman but I don't like repetitive gameplay. Does it get repetitive?

Or do you have any other suggestions that you can give?

Thanks in advance! :)