What people seem to be missing about the "opposing" Sweet Vitriol opinions

First and foremost:

1) I love Severance a LOT.
2) I don't wan't to change your mind.

HOWEVER, the elitism I keep seeing on TikTok or Reddit comments feels a little weird. "Media literacy", "brain rot", etc etc. I'm hoping to just share my perspective and see if it maybe doesn't help provide some context for those that don't get it. Again, I don't want to change your mind -- but I'd love if people would pick apart the actual criticisms instead of just stopping at "you thought it was boring? you must be dumb".

My own personal issue is that the episode wasn't "boring", it's that it felt forced, insincere, and poorly executed. The characters (Cobel, her aunt, the guy) all came across as unnatural (not Lumen-unnatural) with dialogue that felt either poorly written or badly acted. The plot itself DID feel weak (to me, personally!) - Cobel, who has shown just short of zero technical proficiency throughout the series, is suddenly the creator? She drove X hours to her hometown only to bully some dude that we've never seen before (but felt like we should be very familiar with) in to taking her somewhere, have a weird half-fight with her aunt, then to go dig out some papers in a cellar that she didn't care to have at home or somewhere else safe, only to jump in this dude's truck and bail without him? I don't mind the plot twist/progression, and I'm genuinely enthusiastic about next week's episode, but in the moment the entire thing felt cheap, rushed, and out of place...very similar to that Stranger Things episodes where Eleven finds her goth cousins. Sweet Vitriol raised as many new questions as it answered old ones, but not in the intriguing, mind-bending way Severance usually does - more in a clumsy, shoehorned way.

I know this isn't going to change anyone's mind, but I saw enough people getting stomped down and called idiots because they didn't love this episode and I figured at a minimum, this would help expand on what some people might be feeling about it.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk