Robbie Benson's casting is a clue

It's an Easter egg, nothing in-universe, but it's no coincidence they cast Robby Benson as Dr. Mauer. (This is NOT A THEORY. It's an observation.)

Edit: Dang it, I spelled his name wrong. Correcting it in everything but the title.

For those of you who aren't old enough to have been excited to see Beauty & the Beast (the animated Disney movie) in theaters when it first came out, Robby Benson was the voice of the Beast.

Dr. Mauer is the Beast keeping Belle (Gemma) locked up in the walls* of the castle (testing floor), desperately wanting her to fall in love with him.

(* Mauer means wall in German, which I only know thanks to a number of Severance YouTubers pointing it out.)

It's possible that this also signals that Gemma is there almost voluntarily - the way that Belle offered to trade herself for her father - but she was still a prisoner because she wasn't allowed to leave.

And just a fun snippet of lyrics from "Something There" from Beauty and the Beast is when Belle sings that probably is coincidental:

But he was mean, and he was coarse, and unrefined

Because Gemma's chip is being refined but Mauer probably doesn't have one. 😁

Any other fun Beauty and the Beast parallels you noticed?